Mk.  11:23     Hab. 2:2       Ro. 4:17

 You miss a service, you miss a lot !



*** No Church tonight, Tuesday March 11 at Hartford Residence Inn.God Bless, Pastor Rich.


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Please join in! God bless.
Pastor Rich.

New England Word of Faith Church 

Two services per week to help you grow spiritually!

 Hartford Residence Inn

 942 Main Street in Hartford, Ct. 

Pastor Rich.


Directions as follows:   
I-84  West - Take exit 54 (left exit) - Cross Founder's Bridge. Stay in second lane from the right. At third light bear slightly left. At second light  make right onto Main Street. Go about one block --  Hotel is on the right. Meeting is held in the Cheney Room - First Floor.

I-84  East -  Take exit 50 (Main Street). Stay to the right. Make right onto Main Street (TV building is on the right corner). Hotel is half a block to your left.

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ADDRESSES;  Jesse Rich Ministries

Jesse Rich Ministries
Post Office Box 237170
New York, NY 10023

Ministry Phone:

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